1. Facebook
Integrate your Shopify store to Facebook, for getting upload images from customer Facebook profiles. First, you should set and create an app id on the Facebook developer.
Your Facebook account and register data on step below should be a business account, it will review by the Facebook team for 5 days to get permission to access users data.
Open this link https://developers.facebook.com/
Fill the input box with your Facebook email and password.
Once you have logged on Facebook developer page click the “My Apps” Menu, find it on the top right page
Generate your Apps by clicking the green button on the right-side page “Create App”
On the “Type” section click “Consumer” this option value will allow you to get permission on user photos
Fill the input field “Display Name” we suggest to name with your Shopify store without space and click “Create App” light green button on the bottom of the page.
Once the Facebook app create you will get the app display name on the top left of the page and App ID.
The next step is to add the “Facebook login button” on customify upload image section.
Click: App Review – Products – Add Product
The menu above will show, then click “Facebook Login” and set up.
Next, choose Web
Then input your Shopify store link (example: https://customify-template.myshopify.com/), then save and continue.
Click “Next” until step number 5, step number 2,3,4 already added and worked by customify developer.
Activate JSSDK Facebook to allow authorize from user Facebook login
See menu above on left side panel of the page, find Facebook Login – Settings
Slide to Yes on Login with the JavaScript SDK
On input field Allowed Domains for the Javascript SDK, fill with your Shopify store link (Example: https://customify-template.myshopify.com/)
Fill input field “Deauthorize” with your Shopify store link (Example: https://customify-template.myshopify.com/)
Then fill “Redirect URI to Check” with your shopify store link (Example: https://customify-template.myshopify.com/)
Save all changes “Save Changes”
Set Permission and Feature
Find “App Review” on left sidebar of the page the go-to “Permission and Features”
Activate these 3 primary features or permission user_phots, public_profile, email by clicking “Get Advanced Access”
Set your app data. On the left sidebar “Settings – Basic”
Fill input field with the red marks:
1. App Domain : Fill with your shopify store link (Example: https://customify-template.myshopify.com/)
2. Privacy Policy URL : visit shopify privacy webpage the copy link or try with this link : https://www.shopify.com/legal/privacy
3. Terms of Service URL : visit shopify terms of service webpage the copy link or try with this link : https://www.shopify.com/legal/terms
4. User Data Deletion: Fill with your shopify store link (Example: https://customify-template.myshopify.com/)
5. Select Category: please choose one category that matched your store.
6. App Icon: Upload your icon, it’s should have a square image with a minimum of 512px x 512px
Please fill in the contact information.
Add your website link, by clicking “Add Platform” and selecting “Website” then input with your Shopify store link.
How to connect Facebook App ID to Custom Product Customizer Page ?
Copy App ID (on nav bar developer.facebook page)
Paste App ID code on “FACEBOOK APP ID” input field
Go to live customization page / customizer page, choose “Add Image” and Go to tab “Facebook”, click “login” icon
Once your customer have been logged, customer facebook photos will show on add image panel.