Analytics software have similar principles but have too many variables to yield the exact same stats.
TS Analytics are close to Shopify Analytics, with the exception of Add to Cart.
Add to Cart
Shopify counts multiple adds to cart in the same session as 1 add to cart. So the actual data point is “sessions where a product was added to cart”.
For A/B testing, it’s good to know how many times a user actually added a product to cart.
TS tracks each add to cart event, but only once per page (to prevent skewed stats from double clicks).
By default, Google Analytics includes bot traffic in their reports.
TS Analytics filters out bots.
Sales channels
Your overall sales might reflect differently in Shopify and TS because TS only tracks the Online Store channel (since that’s what you’re A/B testing).
TS pulls order data directly from Shopify for best accuracy. GA uses a tracking script, so you might notice fewer orders / sales in GA.
TS does not count refunds. So if you have a day with refunds, you may see different totals.
For more info about analytics differences see Discrepancies between Shopify and other software .